Are Your Leadership Glasses Smudged?

1 March 2025

This morning, during my walk, I noticed something.

As I looked through my glasses, I realised the view wasn’t as clear as it should be. Smudges on the lenses blurred my vision, making the world seem distorted. But when I took them off to clean them, an interesting thing happened—I could actually see more certain aspects more clearly than before.

That moment, amidst realising I need new glasses, I got me thinking about hotel leadership.

As leaders gain experience, they develop a set of working principles—things that have served them well over the years. This is a good thing. Until it’s not.

The problem arises when leaders look at their hotels through the same familiar lens, smudges and all. They see what they expect to see, rather than what’s really there. They rely on past experiences to interpret new situations, often missing fresh opportunities or ignoring emerging challenges.

So the question to all – When was the last time you cleaned your leadership lenses?

Are you truly seeing your hotel’s operations as they are, or are you relying on old assumptions? Sometimes, the best way to gain clarity is to take a step back, challenge your own perspective, and look at things with fresh eyes.

What might you see differently if you wiped those smudges away, or maybe, you just need news glasses like me.





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